At Amity, most afternoons the dolphins swim right into shore, you can nearly touch them, however feeding and touching is not allowed, check out the reasons why on the photo.
Eating fresh prawn, wrapped in white paper, for lunch while sitting on the rocks watching the fisherman, is allowed. The prawns are caught daily, fresh from the sea cooked and sold by a little family-owned business 500ms from the point.
I found out yesterday it is best to throw the shells, heads, and tails back into the sea. The local fish like it for food, saves landfill and better than having that stink in your rubbish bin. Frozen prawns from the supermarkets carry diseases. Works for me, this daily catch tasted amazing.
These are the local breaks away from the beach home and screens. It’s taken 2 years to adapt my business to the new way and to make it fit into a lifestyle I like to lead, which allows time for fun, being with people I love to hang with, and not always focussed on productivity. The change of routine and removing redundant ways, has allowed time for other things, we do what we can.
This year we are going back out on the road, in a new format. Not really sure what that looks like, it’s an evolution. Beginning of March is the start, I’m nervous, excited, lots of swinging emotions.
It’s always been a dream of mine to own my own business, for freedom and creativity. The bonus was to get it functioning to be run from anywhere, because travel to me is living and inspiring. We will be bringing you along via all the comms channels, the first destination after this island break will be India, 6th March, the countdown is on.
Reasons to not feed the dolphins
Rocks to sit on and eat fresh seafood