Naudic Round The Globe

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Part 1: London, where it all began

When I was 22, I graduated with a science degree, but after studying hard for three years, I stepped into the working world at a crossroads - I had no idea what I was going to do with my degree.

So, I solved the “what’s next?” in a way that seems to be a rite of passage for many young Australians, heading for London. Lucky for me, it was a time when you didn’t need a lot to arrive in a new country - I landed at Heathrow with a one way ticket, 2 suitcases, $10 000 in the bank, and no job. I had family in London - my aunt Jan and my father’s cousin Malcolm - so I knew I wouldn’t be alone. I didn’t settle in Earl’s Court, like those sojourners of the swinging sixties, but pretty close - a short distance away in West Kensington, taking a tiny bedsit that played host to many memories.

I was young, naive, and had no idea what I was planning to do once in London, or how it would be somehow different to Australia, but I was drawn to going somewhere new.

The start of something new.

I got a working visa for two years, and within a week I was working at the Home Office, doing DNA fingerprinting for refugees arriving in the city. It was steady but mundane, and I was missing something creative. In my spare time, I’d explore the arcades and markets of the city’s eclectic neighbourhoods. On Portobello Road, I started collecting vintage fabrics, finding the best skirt ever - a layered skirt of old fabrics sewn onto the top part of denim jeans. I loved that skirt. It made me feel light, happy and carefree, a welcome break from mourning.

Ideas started brewing.

Decades later, to go back to London with film director, Keyur, in tow, to retrace and explore once again, with a business to expand into a new market, I saw the city through a different lens. This was more than a business trip - it was an honour, a gift, an opportunity which I am so grateful, to share life journey.

This is now the beginning of the next chapter. It’s the one where I work out what’s been missing in my life, my purpose. What better place to start again than London.

Winnie – a beautiful friend of Malcom

Malcom – this beautiful guy, is the essence of compassion.

Winnie extended her heart and home to us, we stayed with her for 5 days. It was incredible, we sat in her courtyard and learnt about her life, chatting over tea, wine, and cigarettes, and looking at photos, and listening to music.

James and Fiona – these two friends took me under their wing when I first arrived, they were my first real friends. We went away to Portugal together, drank beers and just hung out. It was wonderful and warm.

Bedsit – No 7. Stanwick Rd, West Kensington. My first London home, our bedsit. If these walls could talk, there would be some great stories coming out. What a hoot we had - so much fun, personal growth, and independence.

Portobello Rd – One of the many streets used to hang out in for inspiration, random walking around and looking at things.

Work on the run – life and business never stops - on the contrary, it is actually speeding up. I have found ways to get some balance back and enjoy myself whilst juggling everything and making sure my family, friends, clients, and staff are happy.

Photo session a few snaps for social media and for my blog. I was meant to start the blog last year but didn’t because I wanted to be in the moment in London, to soak it all up.

Pure London Trade Show – We launched Naudic in the UK market via a trade show called Pure London, picking up new clients and establishing a relationship with a fashion agency to continue representing our brands.

After Hours – The days never end, and I didn’t want them to end either. It’s great to walk the streets of London and just end up where you end up - no planned destination, no pressure, just living.